What is Gastric Bypass Procedure? How is it Performed?

What is Gastric Bypass Procedure? How is it Performed?

Gastric bypass procedure:

Gastric bypass has historically been the most popular bariatric procedure. It is still widely accepted as the gold standard for bariatric procedure. This is preferred operation especially in patients with reflux. It causes food restriction and malabsorbtion. Unlike sleeve gastrectomy, stomach remains in abdomen.
It is more effective compared with gastric banding and sleeve gastrectomy. But, it is a more complicated procedure and may cause malabsorbtion of some required nutrients such as calcium, iron, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin B1, zinc.


This operation can be performed with laparoscopic A 15-30 ml thumb-sized gastric pouch is created from the upper stomach. Distal end of divided small bowel at the 45-cm distal to the start of small intestine is anastomosed to the created gastric pouch. Proximal end is anastomosed to the small intestine at about 100-150 cm distal to the gastric pouch. It is a restrictive and malabsorbtive procedure.

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