Obesity surgery not only help patients to lose weight but also improve their general health and quality of social living. Dumping syndrome which you almost never see after laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy is the most important complication after gastric bypass surgery.
We are going to explain dumping syndrome in this article which is caused by sugary concentrated food transfer from stomach to small bowel very quickly after gastric bypass surgery.
About Dumping Syndrome
Dumping syndrome is a condition that is seen often after gastric bypass or mini gastric bypass and almost not seen after other surgeries. This condition shows itself as early dumping 10 to 30 minutes after eating and as late dumping 2-3 hours after eating. Symptoms are cramps, stomachache and tachycardia.
Symptoms of Dumping Syndrome
Dumping syndrome shows itself after consumption of sugary concentrated foods like honey, some protein beverages, concentrated sugary fruit juices, alcohol, rice, molasses and jam. In addition, most commonly it shows itself after consumption of food that is rich in fructose and sucrose. Here are some common symptoms:
Stomachache and cramps,
Cold sweat,
If you are experiencing these symptoms, you need to consult with your doctor and dietitian immediately.
What are the reasons for dumping syndrome?
When you undergone gastric bypass surgery, your stomach experience a lot of changes. A sphincter muscle in your stomach is cancelled during surgery and this results in concentrated foods transferring to small bowel quickly and ruin your hormonal levels and sudden drawdown to small bowel. The reason is concentrated foods and foods rich in carbohydrate.
Dumping Syndrome Treatment After Stomach Bypass Surgery
Dumping syndrome treatment is education of reorganizing your diet and food intake by your bariatric surgeon.
Patients who experience dumping syndrome should avoid these products:
White flour products
Sugary products
Fruit juices
Sugary sodas
Dumping syndrome is often shows itself after the surgery and it gets better after your bowels adapt to situation.